Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Dual-Boot Windows XP and Ubuntu Laptop

Transforming an XP Laptop into a Dual-Boot XP/Ubuntu Linux System

Notebook computers are generally preloaded with Windows XP, but for those of us who do considerable work in the Linux environment, a Windows-only notebook is far from ideal. I worked with Unix on Windows packages such as Uwin and Cygwin for several years, but I finally decided I wanted a full Linux installation on my notebook.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

400+ High Quality Patterns

Patterns can be found every where. Most commonly we can see them in fabric and wallpaper, but they also make great visual elements for web design. Here is a collection of patterns of all shapes, sizes, and color. Some are images, and some are pattern files for Photoshop and Illustrator.

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